The resort of St. Maarten is popularly known as the “Caribbean of France”. As France, the resort strikes with its beauty, and as the Caribbean islands – with exoticism. Two nations peacefully coexist on the island – the Dutch and the French. Such a neighborhood has lasted for a long period, almost three centuries. It has undoubtedly affected the life of the city. Especially in the cuisine. Many tourists note that French cuisine has more refined notes in comparison with Dutch cuisine. But no one canceled the phrase: “How many people, so many opinions”.

After enjoying the local cuisine, the tourist is waiting for incredible views of the presentable houses of actors of world scale, beaches with tourists sunbathing topless, exciting hikes and unforgettable dives to the seabed. Rest in St. Maarten is relevant throughout the year. This is due to the warm tropical climate, which maintains a favorable temperature all year round. The hottest period at the resort is the end of summer, when the air warms up to thirty degrees above zero. Voucher to St. Maarten, purchased in the period from December to April – a great opportunity to enjoy warm cloudless days.

Types of recreation in St. Maarten

Vacation in St. Maarten is not only a wonderful opportunity to sunbathe on the beach, but also to get a full range of positive emotions from water sports. For tourists are available types of recreation, both on the water and underwater. You can go to the open sea on a yacht trip and even go fishing. Diving enthusiasts will appreciate the beautiful places with a rich underwater world, lots of fish and coral reefs of marvelous beauty. In addition, you can go on safari through the jungle and meet wild animals. Fans of extreme recreation will appreciate a helicopter ride or moto-paragliding.

Planning a tour to St. Maarten you can get to the Carnival, which is held in the region in February. At this time during the week the islanders organize festive costumed processions, sing songs, play musical instruments. The celebration ends on the last day before Lent. There is an original holiday on the island – Concordia Day. It is dedicated to the peaceful neighborhood of the French and Dutch populations. Young active people will love vacationing in St. Maarten thanks to the extensive nightlife. An abundance of casinos and nightclubs will please the most demanding “party people”. Beach vacation in St. Maarten – the most popular pastime during the vacation. The island has about forty high-class beaches with fine sand. If you go on a tour with children, give preference to the beach Anse Marcel, which is just created for couples. Here there are no sharp changes in depth, the sea is calm and warm. For a more secluded vacation, without unnecessary eyes will suit nudist beaches, which are several on the island.

Top places to visit in St. Maarten

Although the island has a few interesting places created by man (e.g. Museums, ethnic shops), it is Mother Nature who has created the main attractions. For example, thousands of tourists are attracted to deep-sea fishing. Experienced hunters note that local waters are the best place for fishing. You can catch barracuda, marlin and other sea creatures. No less exciting will be a vacation on a local schooner, the creation of which dates back to 1911. It picks up passengers and goes to the open sea. To explore the beauty of the island on your own, you can rent a car or motorcycle, which will be a fascinating adventure during your vacation.