We all like to relax at sea. Some people consciously choose this type of vacation, while others do not. Usually, after a vacation, we feel a surge of strength and good mood, and all because we have relaxed, changed our daily routine, received new positive emotions and improved our health.
Vacationing at sea is good for your health and below we provide significant facts of its benefits for you:
- There are more than 30 minerals and trace elements in sea water, which has a good effect on the musculoskeletal system, so this water is useful for people with joint and spine problems.
- Bathing in sea water is good for skin and nails. Under the influence of salts, nail growth is accelerated and their regeneration is improved. The skin also absorbs all the necessary salts, so small wounds are healed.
- Regular bathing improves metabolism and helps to strengthen the immune system. Do not forget that while bathing in the sea, blood circulation improves, the organs of the human body are filled with the oxygen they need, the heart rate decreases, and blood pressure levels stabilize.
- The iodine contained in the air on the coast is useful for the prevention of thyroid diseases, helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, and improves brain activity and memory.
- The sea is a unique natural exercise machine. It is believed that a thirty-minute swim is equivalent to a massage session. Under the influence of sea waves, skin tone improves.
- Rest at sea is absolutely necessary for people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. Salt particles settle on the mucous membranes and heal them directly.
- The bromine salts contained in the sea air have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, there is a process of complete relaxation, which cannot be achieved even in therapy with a psychologist.
- The benefits of the sea in a healing tan. Sea water, when it gets on the skin, turns into small lenses that enhance the tan. That’s why you should sunbathe only in the morning (before 11:00 am) and in the evening (after 4:00 pm), so that your tan will be not only beautiful but also healthy.